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The University Endowment Lands (UEL) Administration has a small staff who collectively provide a wide range of services to UEL residents and businesses.

Services include: administration of the Land Use, Community and Administration Bylaw issuance of development and building permits, business licences, special events and film permits, building inspection, dog licences, parking, garbage and green waste collection, drinking water and water regulation.

UEL staff are also tasked with reviewing and updating the Official Community Plan and bylaws and recommending changes to the University Endowment Land Act, as required to ensure the efficient and effective operation of the municipality, public consultation on key issues affecting the community, and providing support for the Community Advisory Council (CAC) and the Advisory Design Panel (ADP).

The UEL Administration Management Staff:

UEL Manager - William Emo
The UEL Manager is appointed by the Minister of Municipal Affairs to oversee the administration of the UEL Lands.

The Manager is responsible for the overall administration and enforcement of the University Endowment Land Act, UEL Official Community Plan,  the UEL bylaws, and Drinking Water Protection Act and Regulations, including decisions regarding development permit applications and variances.

The Manager also oversees service arrangements with the City of Vancouver, Metro Vancouver, University of British Columbia (UBC) and provincial service delivery agencies responsible for highways and policing.

The Manager leads reviews of the Official Community Plan, Land Use rules and regulations, UEL legislation and recommends changes that may be required to fulfil the community's vision and enhance the operation of the Administration. The Manager receives advice from the Community Advisory Council and the Advisory Design Panel.

Director of Development Services - Heather Shay
The Director of Development Services is responsible for the management of the Development Services department of the UEL (Planning and Building branches including Development and Building processes).

The position plays a key role in ensuring compliance with the Land Use, Building and Community Administration Bylaw, zoning regulations, the University Endowment Land Act and Regulations, the BC Building Code and Plumbing Codes and Safety Codes and practices.

Public Works Superintendent - Tyrone Welchinski
The Public Works Superintendent plays a key role in ensuring compiance with the Works and Services Bylaw, oversees the public works yard and staff, and is responsible for a comprehensive program of public works services in the UEL, including the development and implementation of a long-term Infrastructure Development and Rehabilitation program.