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Bylaw Enactment

On April 6, 2021, pursuant to Section 12(5) of the University Endowment Land Act, the Minister of Municipal Affairs amended the following bylaws to incorporate the Area D Neighbourhood Plan:

Official Community Plan

  • to update land use designations and maps for Area D;
  • ancillary and other amendments related to the inclusion of the Area D Neighbourhood Plan; and
  • to include the Area D Neighbourhood Plan as Appendix 1.

Land Use, Building and Community Administration Bylaw

  • to update the bylaw related to the Area D Neighbourhood Plan;
  • to amend the bylaw related to bicycle parking provisions, EV parking and charging, BC Energy Step Code, home occupation, adaptable dwelling units, noise guidelines;
  • to include a new Schedule on Rental Protection; and
  • to update and consolidate design guidelines.

Works and Services Bylaw

  • to ensure consistent numbering of an Appendix

The signed Ministerial Order number M164 can be found here.

The Area D Neighbourhood Plan is an Appendix to the UEL Official Community Plan, and can also be found here.


With the support of the Community Advisory Council, UEL staff embarked on the development of an Area D Neighbourhood Plan (Plan) in 2018 to put in place updated guidelines for future development.

What is a Neighbourhood Plan?

A Neighbourhood Plan is a strategic plan that will be used by the UEL Administration to make decisions about Area D land use, infrastructure investment and community priorities. The Plan will outline a community vision for the future, with supporting goals and objectives, and a policy framework to guide future growth and development.


The three phase plan process took place over the course of three years from 2018-2020.

In Phase 1, we completed a lot of background work: we explored the currrent state of Area D; reviewed background documents, community facts and trends; hosted meetings and interviews; visited various sites in the neighbourhood; and identified key issues and priorities.

In Phase 2A, we hosted four public events to involve you in drafting a community vision, goals and directions for the Plan.

In Phase 2B, we hosted a Design Charrette and four public design review events to dive deeper into specific topics and discuss key policy and design options.

In Phase 3, the combination of technical information and public and stakeholder input from previous phases informed the refinement of a preferred neighbourhood concept plan. The draft Plan was then developed with a vision, goals, concept plan, policy directions, objectives, land use designations, and policies. The draft Plan was circulated to the Community Advisory Council, Advisory Design Panel, external agencies, residents and stakeholders for review and feedback. The comment period for feedback on the draft Plan ended on January 31, 2020.

Based on feedback, revisions to the draft Plan were made, and bylaw amendments were drafted to begin implementation of the Plan. Pursuant to Section 8 of the UEL Land Use, Building and Community Administration Bylaw, before adopting or amending a bylaw, the Minister of Municipal Affairs will refer the proposed bylaw or amendment to the Directors of the Community Advisory Council and to the Advisory Design Panel. The Area D Neighbourhood Plan Proposed Bylaw Amendments Referral Package was circulated to the Community Advisory Council and Advisory Design Panel for comments by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. The deadline to provide written comment was October 23, 2020.


For additional information about the Area D Neighbourhood Plan Process, please see the following documents:

Phase 2A Engagement Summary Report

Phase 2B Engagement Summary Report

Area D Context Map

Area D Neighbourhood Profile

Area D Backgrounders:

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