Emergency Preparedness

As a UEL resident, are you ready for a major disaster? An earthquake? A wildfire? A severe windstorm? A winter snow or ice storm? Do you have water, food and other emergency items on hand if you were to lose your power, heat or water supply for three or more days?

In the event of an emergency, it may be some time before you are able to access food or water from outside your home. For the safety and comfort of you and your household, it is a good idea to plan ahead and have enough food and water stored for a minimum of 72 hours, or three days.

Buy Your Household Emergency Kit:

Many providers offer emergency kits, here are just a few:

  • BC Quake
  • 72Hours
  • Costco
  • Build Your Household Emergency Kit:

    Build An Emergency Kit - Province of BC
    预备应急包及随行袋 - Province of BC

    In order to prepare, residents are encouraged to prepare for 72 hours worth of water. This looks like:

    • 6 L drinking water supply (per person)
    • 6 L for cooking and cleaning (per person)
    • A refillable container to store and refill water

    Please note that commercially bottled water should be replaced every 6-12 months. Bottled water is not a sterile product so should be replaced to help ensure safety. Residents are advised to not store water in any bottle or containers that have previously stored any liquids other than water.

    What Risks exist within the UEL?

    Earthquake – major earthquakes happen along the coast, and BC is overdue for a big one.

    Tsunami – an earthquake could trigger an underwater landslide in Georgia Straight.

    Wildfires – drought increases the risk to the regional park and could threaten many houses.

    Structural fires – a major building fire was the last big disaster in the UEL. Fire is always a risk.

    Storms – wind, snow and ice storms could cut off power for days.

    Landslides – along the perimeter of the park, after a major rainfall, landslides are a risk.

    What are the potential consequences?

    Power (electricity, streetlights) and gas (heat) may be out for days. Can you keep your family warm and safe?

    Communications (cell and landlines) might not work or be limited. Do you have a plan to reconnect your family if disaster happens?

    Water might not be available and sewer systems could be affected for weeks. Do you have an adequate emergency water supply at home, work and in your car?

    Transportation systems and routes could be limited or routes changed. Do you and your family have sturdy walking boots at home, work and school?

    Older Buildings could suffer major damage (chimneys and glass could be major hazards). What are the hazards around your home if there was an earthquake or fire?

    Health Care systems will be temporarily overwhelmed (ambulances, hospitals). Do you have a first aid kit and is your family trained in first aid?

    Evacuation may be required (fire risk, building damage).
    Do you have an emergency radio and know what radio stations to listen to?

    Metro Vancouver Emergency Alert System

    Metro Vancouver has the legislated mandate to protect the safety and well-being of all Electoral Area A residents through preparation and planning for various types of emergencies. Inhabited parts of the University Endowment Lands (UEL) are covered by Metro Vancouver’s Electoral Area A Emergency Management Plan.

    Sign up for free emergency alerts from Metro Vancouver through Alertable. Alertable is a mass public alert system to help you and your family stay informed and safe during an emergency.

    Additional Resources

    Emergency Preparedness, Response and Recovery
    Province of BC website